
Sunday, March 27, 2016

Alli's First Trip to WDW - Flying to Florida

It's spring break and time to join the rest of the family in Florida! This year we've got a new addition coming along for the ride!
Bright and early Saturday morning, (like leave the house by 5:30am early) everyone loaded in the car to head to the airport.
Why are we up so early?

No pictures please.

Leaving the kids, in their jammies, off we went. American Airlines tried to confuse us a bit. Our ticket said we were leaving out of the Tom Bradley terminal so we went there. Once we arrived, signs directed us over to Terminal 4, a short walk away, to check our bags. Once there, we were told we couldn't take our double stroller with us and it would have to be checked. Guess the kids will have to be carried back over to the Tom Bradley terminal and until we get on the plane.

Alli's been a little fussy for the last few days. A check with the pediatrician the day before revealed no ear infections, so that wasn't it. But as soon as we sat down on the plane, I spied the culprit. Her very first tooth is breaking through!

Nice to have a direct flight to Florida.

Ian was happy with his own seat, and was happy watching Daniel Tiger when he wasn't sleeping or walking the aisles.

After an uneventful flight, we made it to Florida!

Time to update Alli's State map. After a little deliberation, I added a couple states from our last Michigan trip. We had stopped in Texas on the way out and Nevada on the way back. Now that we've arrived in Florida, it's time to add that state as well!

After grabbing our rental van and starting our drive to the house we're renting for the week, the clouds rolled in and the bottom dropped out. It was raining cats and dogs.

Wait the rain out in the car?
Luckily some of our party arrived at the house a few hours earlier and came to our rescue with umbrellas.

Alli, you certainly don't get this kind of weather in California.

The rain is nuts!

Alli meeting her Aunt Lindsey for the first time.

Once the rain let up, all the kids went off to play together. Dipping their feet in the hot tub.

I don't think that's how you play pool...

Ooh. An air hockey table.

After watching how it's done, Ian was excited to try.

It didn't stay a pool table for long. Ping Pong is much more fun for us.

And Ian got into it too. Check out that serve!

It's going to be a fun week! Stay tuned!

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